
DEI & You Discussions

Our DEI & You Discussions (DYD) provide a safe space for open, stimulating, and compassionate insight discussions around topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Cultivate Collaboration

We aim to empower people by creating an environment for honest, interactive discussions in which individuals can share their experiences with others and get the support they need from their peers.

This open dialogue helps employees feel a greater sense of belonging, value, and respect in the workplace, which in turn leads to greater collaboration, lower turnover, and more productive teams.


Employees who are able to bring their whole selves to work are 42% less likely to say they intend to leave their job within a year.

Source: Global McKinsey survey, 2019

Inspire Growth with Real Conversation

We believe that creating real, positive change requires getting comfortable with uncomfortable subjects.


DEI & You Discussions will focus on critical topics in diversity, equity, and inclusion, such as:

  • Overcoming unconscious bias,
  • Inclusive leadership,
  • How to be an ally in the workplace,
  • Hair discrimination
  • Anti-racism

and much more.

If your organization is interested
in hosting or sponsoring a
DEI & You Discussions (DYD), let’s talk.